As the first Spanish Gold Transformation Partner of Scaled Agile, we are focused on and highly experienced in the implementation of the Agile Scaling Framework SAFe® (Scaled Agile Framework).
Since 2007 we have a stable and growing team of trainers and consultants all with extensive professional and training experience. Estratecno has experience in international Agile Training and Transformation projects in global companies that have a presence in multiple countries. We offer our services in many languages such as Spanish, English, Swedish, ...
We are a training and consulting company specialized in frameworks based on agile and Lean methods and systems.
International Recognitions and Certifications

Scaled Agile SAFe® Gold
Transformation Partner

Scrum Alliance
Registered Education Provider

Management 3.0
Change and Innovation Practiques

Scrum Manager
Official Center

Authorized Training Partner

Kanban University
Registered Education Provider
Trained students
Student ratings between 8-10
Years of experience
Senior professionals
Approved supplier
Support at all levels
Values and Culture
We enjoy working as a team and we are strongly committed to our clients who we consider partners and friends, and we prioritize collaboration through our high working ethics.
Empathy as the key to collaboration
We strive to understand the feelings, thoughts and emotions of others; always seeking collaboration. Always ready to help and learn together.
We love what we do
We believe that instrinsic motivation is essential to achieve excellence. We enjoy and like what we do both professionally and personally.
Our high motivation helps us to find solutions to the challenges and complicated situations we face.
We make our decisions freely
Our decisions, both at professional and team/company level, are made without external criteria imposition. We seek consensus and collaboration between all parties, always taking into account that the commitments we acquire are in accordance with our principles and professional criteria.